The Stage 32 Videos: Line Producer

Automated Script Breakdown With Filmustage's Artificial Intelligence

We've finally reinvented the way of making script breakdown. Our software makes it automatically - 100 page script breakdown just in a few minutes. And you can export results in MM, pdf, or spreadsheets.

THRILLER IN MOROCCO | Director Hicham Hajji | Redemption Day…

How to stretch your budget by shooting on location outside U.S. Hicham Hajji learned many tricks of the trade for managing a film production while working as a line-producer, assistant AD & casting director before directing his debut. In this interview he tells you exactly how he managed his budget and convinced investors to fund his film.

Housereel 2019

Latest 2019 Reel of MinusGreen Productions Istanbul. MinusGreen Productions is founded in 2009 by Serhan Nasirli. MinusGreen Productions is a film production and production services company specializes in feature films,Tv Commercials, Documentary, Music Videos and TV Productions. Company also provides rental services for film/tv productions. For furthermore information please check

Demo Playlist (Fixer, Line Producer, AD)

Playlist showcasing some of my work as Fixer, Line Producer or Assistant Director. Click on the Playlist icon to watch more videos.


You can see some selected works of Serhan Nasirli between 2009-2017as Producer / Line Producer and Director.
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